10 travel technology predictions revisited
10 travel technology predictions revisited
In March, PhoCusWright predicted the top 10 trends and themes in travel technology for 2008. In preparation of next weeks conference, the company now offers a sneak-preview of how some of those predictions fared.
Prediction #1: People-to-people applications will continue to grow and become more integrated with business direction.
In fact, people-to-people e-commerce didn't materialize as a strong trend. However, business applications that leverage social sites are strongly represented among our Travel Innovation Summit demonstrators.
Prediction #2: Advertising will continue to expand and evolve.
Location-based advertising (LBA) is, in fact, seeing significant innovation on mobile applications. One area of maturation, versus innovation, appears to be the measurement of advertising effectiveness.
Prediction #3: Global Internet usage will be marked by diversity.
Indeed. Travel Innovation Summit applications come from all over the world, bringing varying perspectives as a result of the global diversity of Internet usage.
Prediction #4: User interfaces will continue to evolve.
This ongoing evolution is clearly evident in Travel Innovation Summit mobile applications, among others.
Prediction #5: Online service delivery will be refined and reinvented.
This prediction has been realized in several shopping innovations.
Prediction #6: Mobile is becoming the next travel content delivery platform.
Mobile is definitely "in," as attendees will witness at The Travel Innovation Summit.
Prediction #7: Software as a service (SaaS) will provide many new opportunities.
This appears to be a foundational approach for many Travel Innovation Summit applicants and selected demonstrators.
Prediction #8: Semantic technology and the semantic Web will drive the next wave of Internet technology.
Early days. While there is some significant progress in this arena that will be evidenced at The Travel Innovation Summit, semantic technology remains in its infancy.
Prediction #9: Search will evolve to become more effective.
This evolution is still in early stages but we are definitely seeing some real innovation in this area.
Prediction #10: Technology will be cheaper, better and faster.
This is the foundation underpinning many of the innovations that will be demonstrated in a few weeks.
Source: http://www.hotelmarketing.com/index.php/content/article/10_travel_technology_predictions_revisited/