Star Wars Wedding Theme

After living together for eight years and seeing the Star War film over 500 times, Bramwell Brightey, 33 and Tamsyn Lofts, 29 decided to hold their wedding entirely based on the famous science fiction films.

They thought about having the ceremony take place on the 4th May giving a somewhat meaning to the famous saying 'may the 4th be with you' printed on their wedding invitations, but after debating it over and finding the date clashed with so many of their guests they decided to have the wedding on their eighth wedding anniversary which was one week later.

Bramwell, from Epsom, Surrey, said: "We didn't really want a traditional church wedding, so we decided we'd do something different.

"We both like the Star Wars films but we're not fanatics or geeks. We figured that a lot of our friends liked the films as well and Star Wars is massive everywhere all around the world."

Bride Tamsyn was dressed as the one and only Princess Leia and 'Hans Solo' (Bramwell) was her groom.